Creating interactive shiny dashboards to showcase sociolinguistic research: Seeing the forest and the trees

Before the workshop

You should bring a laptop with the following software installed:

  1. The current version of R: []
  2. The current version of RStudio (The open source desktop/free version):
  3. Install the shiny, readxl, rsconnect and tidyverse packages.

Also, you should create an account on the shiny apps website (

Outline of Workshop

  1. Introduction to Dashboards in R. (Joe) [10 min]
  2. Pre-dashboard: Setting up the data. (Gyula)[10 min]
  3. What questions can be asked of our data? (Justin) [10 min]
  4. Setting up a dashboard (hands-on) (Joe) [20 min]
  5. Example 1: Spanish lateral production (Justin) [15 min]
  6. Example 2: Social Media Data (Gyula) [15 min]
  7. Deploying a dashboard (hands-on) (Joe) [15 min]
  8. Conclusions/Questions (Justin, Gyula & Joe) [10 min]

Online Resources

  1. R-Graph Gallery by Prof. Jenny Bryan, UBC - Based on Creating More Effective Graphs by Naomi Robbins
  2. Ggplot2 Tutorials
  3. Shiny Cheatsheet
  4. Deploying to

Data, Code and Apps